I realized, a few weeks ago, that this does NOT mean that I am not learning and growing. It's just that most of the more interesting thoughts and growth that I've experienced lately has not necessarily been professional (I'm a teacher, and my other blog is more about using technology in the classroom and such).
The ways I have been stretched more recently have been personal and spiritual. This doesn't match the audience of my other blog (which is oriented toward education and technology). Maybe this is one reason I haven't posted there lately. It didn't seem right to blog about the environment, nutrition, or my faith on a blog that people hopefully go to for conversation and tips about technology. Yes, there's something to be said for being yourself and not hiding your faith, but it seemed best to keep the two purposes/audiences separate, at least for now.
I'm just setting this one up now, so maybe soon I'll blog about what I've been thinking about lately:
the (irrelevant) religious right
food/nutrition (much more interesting than I used to think!)
and more...
I'd definitely like to hear what you're learning and hearing from the Holy Spirit. That's so awesome that He is stirring up the new in you (didn't mean to rhyme that). I see a powerful move of the Spirit in everything I'm involved with lately. Gilbert's sermons on Sunday morning, Church in the Basement, and Celebrate Recovery are all impacting lives on a weekly basis. It isn't just an intellectual assent to what's being said either. It's a soul-shaking movement of the Spirit in our hearts and minds. Not only this but I can actually see the power of God moving through people and impacting others in a powerful way. This is so awesome and so hard to explain. I'm not really sure if it's me waking up and joining what has already been occuring, if God is moving in a powerful new way in Reedley, or both. However, I know that I like being a part of it and am excited to see it impact and restore more and more of the lost. This is good stuff, ed, and I can only pray that He will continue to rock our worlds.